Filling Up? Here's What You Need to Know About Today's Petrol Prices in Pakistan (February 21, 2024) - 1 All Mentor

Filling Up? Here's What You Need to Know About Today's Petrol Prices in Pakistan (February 21, 2024)

Today's Petrol Prices in Pakistan

Filling Up? Here's What You Need to Know About Today's Petrol Prices in Pakistan (February 21, 2024)

Fueling your vehicle in Pakistan right now can feel like riding a rollercoaster, with prices seemingly shifting every other week. So, buckle up, as we break down the latest petrol prices and what you need to know:

The Current Numbers:

  • Petrol (Super): As of today, the official price for petrol (super) sits at PKR 275.62 per litre. This price applies nationwide and was set by the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) on February 16th.
  • High-Speed Diesel: Diesel prices have seen a steeper climb, currently priced at PKR 287.33 per litre.
  • Light Speed Diesel: For those using Light Speed Diesel, the price comes in at PKR 166.86 per litre.

Recent Changes:

Remember, these prices are subject to change every fortnight (15 days). The most recent revision took effect on February 16th, seeing an increase of PKR 2.73 per litre for petrol and PKR 8.37 per litre for high-speed diesel.

Looking Ahead:

Predicting future price movements is tricky. Global oil prices and government policies play a significant role. However, analysts suggest the current upward trend might continue due to various factors, including:

  • Rising international oil prices
  • Weakening Pakistani rupee
  • Increased government taxes on petroleum products

Tips for Savvy Drivers:

With fluctuating prices, here are some ways to be a more mindful fuel consumer:

  • Plan your trips: Combine errands and avoid unnecessary journeys to cut down on mileage.
  • Maintain your vehicle: Regularly serviced vehicles tend to be more fuel-efficient.
  • Consider alternatives: Explore public transport, carpooling, or cycling for shorter distances.
  • Stay informed: Track price updates through official channels and use apps to find stations with lower prices.

Remember: These are just general pointers. Individual circumstances and driving habits will significantly impact your fuel consumption.

Disclaimer: While I strive to provide accurate information, fuel prices can change rapidly. For the latest official rates, always refer to government or trusted fuel station websites.
