A Helping Hand for Lahore's Youngest: Mayo Hospital's Evening Lifeline for Children - 1 All Mentor

A Helping Hand for Lahore's Youngest: Mayo Hospital's Evening Lifeline for Children

Mayo Hospital's

A Helping Hand for Lahore's Youngest: Mayo Hospital's Evening Lifeline for Children

Lahore's bustling Mayo Hospital has launched a beacon of hope for its youngest patients: an extended evening Out-Patients Department (OPD) dedicated to pediatrics. This innovative initiative tackles the rising tide of sick children seeking treatment, particularly during peak evening hours when the Emergency Room overflows.

Imagine the relief for parents worried about their child's health. Instead of the ER's often stressful environment, they can now seek expert consultations between 2 pm and 8 pm in the calmer, dedicated OPD setting. This not only eases pressure on the ER but also offers a more tailored experience for children.

The magic behind this initiative lies in collaboration. Mayo Hospital's skilled doctors join forces with the ChildLife Foundation's clinical team, ensuring an average of 100 young patients receive the care they need daily. To top it off, prescribed medicines are dispensed free of charge, removing financial barriers to essential healthcare.

This isn't just a service, it's a symbol. It represents a shared vision between public and private entities who prioritize children's well-being. It showcases the power of partnership in tackling healthcare challenges and building a "child-safe" Pakistan.

The impact? Countless children receive timely, high-quality medical attention, free of cost. No child in Lahore has to go without the care they deserve, thanks to this crucial step towards a healthier future for the city's youngest residents.
